There are lots of summer STEM camp options available out there on the internet. And after the type of year we’ve all had, it’s likely that you’re more motivated than ever to offer a fun experience for your child this year. Following a full school year that’s probably included some level of remote learning, they deserve to unwind and learn something they’re excited about more than ever.
If you’ve spent more than a few minutes on our website, you’ll notice that Emagination Tech Camps has a few different options to choose from. One of those options is our core product, which is Tech Camp, while the other is Coding Camp. Just because your child is interested in STEM doesn’t mean that you are also (well, you might be but you’re still learning like them), so it may be confusing as to what’s the same and what’s different between these two types of camps.
There are actually a bunch of similarities. For instance, both Tech Camps and Coding Camps are available at each of our five locations this summer (Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania). There are also overnight and day camp options at each of those locations for both types of camps. That’s mostly where the similarities end, though.
Since Coding Camp is much more specialized and focused when it comes to topic, there’s not much wiggle room with regard to how it’s administered. There’s only one Coding Camp offered at each of our locations this summer, and there’s no option outside of the two-week experience.
For Tech Camps, there are many more options. Each location will host four different Tech Camp sessions, with the first two being a one-week experience, while the final two are two-week experiences. And although there are a number of things a student can learn and accomplish at Coding Camp, it’s hard to beat the flexibility and customizability of our Tech Camps.
If you join us for a one-week experience, you get to choose two different tech courses from a range of four subjects. If you’re staying for two weeks, you get to choose four different courses. Here are the main topics and the courses within them that students can choose from:
Create Digital Art and Media: 3D Animation, 3D Modeling & Printing, Graphic Design, Web Design, YouTube Video Creation
Learn to Code: Coding Basics, Coding in C#, Coding in Java, Game AI, Scratch
Design Games: Action Game Design, Minecraft World Design, Roblox, Strategy Game Design, Unity, Unreal Game Design
Explore Engineering: Cryptography, Exploration in Engineering, Lightsaber Construction, RC Cars, Robotics.
That’s a whole lot of choices. And, once again, students get to decide how they want to use these opportunities. Would it be to focus on one subject to deepen their knowledge? Would it be worthwhile to mix and match to test out a few different subjects? Whatever your answer is to that question, each camper is still able to personalize their schedule however they’d like.
This is a level of control and autonomy they haven’t had before, and definitely not over the past year. Take some time to choose which route is the best one for you, and then sign up so you can get all the details for the real fun this summer!