Our summer tech camps and coding camps at Emagination have a lot of different options for campers who want to have a hand in creating exactly what their day-to-day experience at camp will be like. There are six different locations for our tech camps, which includes five different states (Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Virginia and Pennsylvania). We have our doors opened to kids from ages 8 to 17 because we know that a desire to get exposure to technology isn’t limited to whatever your age may be!
What sets us apart is that while there are plenty of options when it comes to various tech courses, there’s also an option for campers to incorporate off-screen recreational activity during their time with us. It’s a perfect way to get unplugged for a short period of time and get that typical summer camp experience. After all, as much as we all love technology, coding, and computers, our eyes need a break every once in a while! That break may be as simple as taking a short walk for some, but for others, it’s important to have some other type of structured activity so you can shut that portion of your mind off temporarily and come back with a fresh set of eyes.
Our sessions are broken up into two-week periods of time and there are both day and overnight camp options available to those who are interested. For the overnight offering, it does include the weekend and a day of games/activities on Saturday. If you’d rather opt for the day camp options because you enjoy sleeping in your own bed, though, don’t worry – day campers are invited to our weekend events, too!
As mentioned before, our camp sessions are two weeks long, which is a lot of time to get things done and be exposed to different things. With that in mind, what exactly is the day-to-day schedule like? Well, you’re in luck because we’re going to break it down for you right here!
8am: Starting the day with a breakfast and some time to socialize with some of your new friends.
8:45am: This is a time to give some recognition awards to certain campers and an opportunity for the entire camp to get jacked up about the day ahead.
9am-12pm: Two 90-minute workshops to thrill and challenge.
12-1pm: All-you-can-eat lunch and some unstructured free time!
1-4pm: Back to the labs for two more 90-minute workshops.
4:15pm: This acts as an opportunity for day and overnight campers to have fun with some gaming with others, working on projects, or hanging out in the dorms or outside. It’s also a time for seniors to hand out with others in the Senior Lounge or somewhere outside.
5:30pm: Dinner time for both campers and counselors! There are options for evening programming, so it’s a time for you to figure out exactly what you’d like to do.
6-8:30pm: This is the evening program timing, which includes options for open computer labs, outdoor field games, free dorm time, Magic the Gathering, LARPing, and the Dungeons & Dragons club.
8:30pm: Campers head back to their dorms at this time for some small group meetings and free time with either friends or counselors.
10pm: Although they do vary by age group, this is bedtime!