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Information You Need to Know About Summer Coding Camp

Trying to figure out which coding camp is the right fit for the upcoming year is a lengthy process! If someone is going to be sacrificing two weeks of their summer in order to experience some kind of camp for a subject they’re interested in, then they must make sure it at least appears like it’ll be a worthwhile thing to do.

We’re confident that your search for a top-notch coding camp experience will end once you see everything we have to offer here at Emagination Tech Camps. As a family-owned business that’s been doing this since 1982, we know a thing or two about giving campers something to smile about as they start preparing for their future at a young age!

There are five different locations for our coding camps, which includes Connecticut (Fairfield University), Georgia (Mercer University – Atlanta campus), Massachusetts (Bentley University), Pennsylvania (Rosemont College), and Illinois (Lake Forest College). Our camps – which have day and overnight options and are two weeks long – are open to campers aged 13 to 17 years old. There’s also an opportunity to mix in that “traditional” summer camp experienced with non-technology options like swimming or field games. Don’t worry, though, most of your experience will be tech focused – we’re just giving you the chance to mix in one recreational activity and customize your time with us a little bit.

Emagination Coding Camp

We’ve already detailed the dates, times, location, and prices of our 2020 summer coding camps, but what other information do you need to know about us before committing to join us? Knowing about the following three areas will definitely help.

Participate in a Progressive Curriculum Regardless of age, campers typically join us at camp from all different skill levels. And it makes sense that they’re joining us because they want to advance those skill levels! We make sure to put together a professional curriculum that doesn’t leave you behind if you don’t have certain foundational skills that are needed to move on and successfully complete the class you’re in.

If you arrive at an Emagination Coding Camp with prior coding experience, our curriculum will help sharpen your Java coding skills, along with building applications. If you haven’t had prior coding experience, the skill you’ll learn at camp serve as a great foundation upon which campers can build applications and continue learning.

Acquire Valuable 21st Century Life Skills Our coding camps help campers learn how to code or how to code more effectively than they were in the past, but that’s not it. You can be a great coder, but you’ll get to the next level when you learn how to combine that with knowing how to build rapport with your team and developing relationships.

Learn from Passionate and Intelligent Counselors We’re not making campers try and figure this stuff out themselves – our counselors are there every step of the way to oversee camper progress as they develop their final windows application projects. Counselors also encourage campers to offer create input and get to know other campers. Once applications are complete, they can be shared with peers, which can lead to feedback, testing, and debugging.



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